


来吧,爱开玩笑的缪斯,用讽刺的笔墨,描写每一个无法无天、大胆妄为的人,他们和蓝色和buff的悲伤的船员,现在脱了黄色的衣服,会显得那么忧郁。首先是L——d——H——w——k,喧闹粗暴,批发江湖骗子的商人,他远远超出了著名的卡特菲尔特,开出了从未见过或摸过的处方;把法律和理性留在了午餐中,塑造了参议院,扭曲了教会:但一旦从唐宁街响起,大白金汉宫的旧圆顶,用宏伟的天主教药丸迎接,在宪法山上消失了。下一个W——dh——m,玄学小精灵,万物皆知——除了他自己;三个乏味的小时,他喋喋不休地谈论着他头盖骨里的一切;他的常规思想更怕民兵,更怕志愿军;他是一个狂野的、不实用的天才,很少精通政策的实质;在他的脑子里没有一个和谐的句子。现在,缪斯女神,指引你的智慧之轴,让小P- tty模仿大皮特;今年,在《致英国人》的悲情演说中,他描绘了一个破产的国家:资源全都荒废,税收面临极端命运;旁边这个小小的,伟大的,矮小的人,高! presto! pass! by one bold plan, Restores you all to peace and plenty; The deuce is in't! won't this content ye? With necromantic rod of Moses (A twig cut from a bush of roses), To ease at once your ev'ry fear, Turns bear to bull, and bull to bear. Nor miss, dear Muse, to gild my tale, The gallant E---rl of L---d---e, Who late to Paris post was sent, to Become the dupe of Benevento; Hush'd to soft sleep like "Baby Bunting," Whilst Fap the Great went out "a-hunting." Or was it, say, thou bonny chiel, Thy ardent love for Britain's weal, That led thy steps, a peep to take At thy great territorial[1] stake; The purchase of thine assignats, Thy Corso-Gallican contrats: At once th' opprobrium and solution, Of all thy love for revolution. The Muse recoils, as something shock'd her, To charge with harm the harmless D---ct---r; When, una voce, all allow, He would do right--if he knew how. But if, amongst this motely crew One man of real parts we view: With mind for highest station fit; The colleague, friend, yet foe of Pitt; He, to whose merits all men granted, That Pitt's last list, one great name wanted; He, who with every talent shone, Except consistency alone; "We smile, if such a man there be, "But weep, if Grenville should be he."