


…他们改变了这种说法;院子里躺着一条狗,名叫阿格斯,尤利西斯在前去前去替伊利昂抚养它,但由于年龄太小,他的兴致不大;但是,随着他的恩宠逐渐增长,年轻人一有机会就选择他,或者选择他们的野山羊、野兔或野鹿。但他的国王走了,他现在已经过了他的角色,卑躬屈膝地躺在马厩的贮藏室里,在牛棚和骡子的马厩门前,当农民们在尤利西斯的土地上布下罗盘时,为了不让他们脱下衣服;那只狗长得太大了。可是,这只刚进来的聪明的尤利西斯,一看见就认出了他。他的狗竖起了耳朵,走到近前,他自己也站起来,对着小鹿小鹿,摇着屁股,闭上耳朵,就这样躺下了。再也无法分辨他深爱的主。尤利西斯看到了,忍不住流下了眼泪;(远远地看见了他的情人)他擦干了他的视线; to whom he thus His grief dissembled: "'Tis miraculous, That such a dog as this should have his lair On such a dunghill, for his form is fair. And yet, I know not, if there were in him Good pace, or parts, for all his goodly limb; Or he liv'd empty of those inward things, As are those trencher-beagles tending kings, Whom for their pleasure's, or their glory's sake, Or fashion, they into their favour take." "This dog," said he, "was servant to one dead A huge time since. But if he bore his head, For form and quality, of such a height, As when Ulysses, bound for th'Ilion fight, Or quickly after, left him, your rapt eyes Would then admire to see him use his thighs In strength and swiftness. He would nothing fly, Nor anything let scape; if once his eye Seiz'd any wild beast, he knew straight his scent; Go where he would, away with him he went. Nor was there ever any savage stood Amongst the thickets of the deepest wood Long time before him, but he pull'd him down; As well by that true hunting to be shown In such vast coverts, as for speed of pace In any open lawn. For in deep chace He was a passing wise and well-nos'd hound. And yet is all this good in him uncrown'd With any grace here now; nor he more fed Than any errant cur. His king is dead, Far from his country; and his servants are So negligent they lend his hound no care. Where masters rule not, but let men alone, You never there see honest service done. That man's half virtue Jove takes quite away, That once is sun-burn'd with the servile day." This said, he enter'd the well-builded towers, Up bearing right upon the glorious wooers, And left poor Argus dead; his lord's first sight Since that time twenty years bereft his light. ...