


哦,神圣的传说中的香树,在美丽的阿拉伯燃烧,空气中弥漫着红色的香气,直到人间的生命在那里长出极乐世界!她半埋在火红的胸膛里,在这棵明亮的树上筑巢,百只被太阳晒黑的凤凰!当她最终将化为灰烬!她华丽的临终之床!她那丰富的火堆被芳香的火焰燃烧了!她的骨灰盒,从搅局者的视线高处看!她的出生地当自我重生!无山的绿色荒野,在这里结束了她那无回声的歌声!带着琥珀色的眼泪和恶臭的叹息,在她死去的沙漠上哀悼!我像小鹿一样,躺在阿拉伯碧绿的山谷里,我在凤凰树旁醒来,那无荫的枝叶在我身上燃烧,我抬头呼唤一声无声的叫声,我惊奇地看到那只不朽的鸟高悬在天上,眼睛里闪烁着灿烂的太阳。 Stedfast she gazed upon his fire, Still her destroyer and her sire! As if to his her soul of flame Had flown already whence it came; Like those that sit and glare so still, Intense with their death struggle, till We touch, and curdle at their chill! But breathing yet while she doth burn The deathless Daughter of the Sun! Slowly to crimson embers turn The beauties of the brightsome one. O'er the broad nest her silver wings Shook down their wasteful glitterings; Her brinded neck high arch'd in air Like a small rainbow faded there; But brighter glow'd her plumy crown Mouldering to golden ashes down; With fume of sweet woods, to the skies, Pure asa Saint's adoring sighs, Warm as a prayer in Paradise, Her life-breath rose in sacrifice! The while with shrill triumphant tone Sounding aloud, aloft, alone, Ceaseless her joyful deathwail she Sang to departing Araby!