


唱催眠曲,像妇人唱催眠曲,哄婴孩入睡。我可以唱摇篮曲,像最好的女人一样。6如果我不太受蛊惑,7我有许多放荡的婴孩,8我一定要用催眠曲来哄她们。首先,为我青春的岁月摇篮曲,现在该睡觉了;因为我的老态和白发已在我的头脑中赢得了避难所。用催眠曲,让青春安静下来,用催眠曲,让你的意志满足,既然勇气又回来了,睡吧,这样就能迷惑你的心灵。接着,让我凝视的眼睛摇篮曲,我的眼睛本来不愿飞快地瞥一眼;因为现在每一杯酒都足以显出我脸上的皱纹。用摇篮曲,眨眨眼吧,用摇篮曲,你的容貌使人迷醉,不要让清秀的容颜和灿烂的美貌引诱你,使你的快乐空虚。让我放肆的意志摇篮曲吧,让理智支配你的思想吧,因为太晚了,我才发现你的幻想是多么珍贵。 29 With lullaby, now take thine ease, 30 With lullaby, thy doubts appease, 31 For trust to this, if thou be still, 32 My body shall obey thy will. 33 Eke, lullaby my loving boy, 34 My little Robin, take thy rest; 35 Since age is cold and nothing coy, 36 Keep close thy coin, for so is best. 37 With lullaby, be thou content, 38 With lullaby, thy lusts relent, 39 Let others pay which have mo pence, 40 Thou art too poor for such expense. 41 Thus lullaby, my youth, mine eyes, 42 My will, my ware, and all that was! 43 I can no mo delays devise, 44 But welcome pain, let pleasure pass. 45 With lullaby, now take your leave, 46 With lullaby, your dreams deceive, 47 And when you rise with waking eye, 48 Remember Gascoigne's lullaby.