


…啊,骑士们,乡绅们,啊,高贵的血统,你们并非只为自己而生:你们的国家要求你们分担一部分痛苦。你要在那里生活,在那里辛勤劳作,维护正义,驱逐残酷的罪恶,帮助穷人,约束富人,惩罚邪恶,让美德进步,看着上帝被侍奉,别西卜被压制。你不应该在你的房间里信任你的副官,让他们挥动你所负责的权杖,而你自己却几乎不知道在做什么,即使有人叫你,你也不能让步。这位尊贵的领主,本来是要在家里管理朝廷的,现在却来到了朝廷,离开了这个国家,去做一个普通的猎物,去造势、投票、贿赂和欺骗(他的出现本可以平息这一切,否则就会让违法者闻到烟味)。而现在,一个青年,本来可以穿着乡间的衣服,以清纯的智慧侍奉他,并因此能够比王子更有地位,在那里寻求晋升,却宁愿出卖自己的土地换取朝臣,或者静坐不动,像个流浪汉一样生活(但这两者中,最后一个错误是较小的)。因此,好心的大人,那些本可以及时跃上云霄,保护国家的小鬼,不是被这种不合时宜的霜冻所害,就是因为没有得到保护而变弯了. ...唉,我的主人,我太匆忙了,你还没喝足,我就关上了杯子,我那愚蠢的自己,只瞥了一眼,就发现了一支前所未见的陌生队伍。看啊,我的主人,这里聚集了多少怪物,有着天使的脸,邪恶的心,微笑的表情,深沉的欺骗的思想,柔软的皮肤,石头般的残忍的心,偷窃的脚步,却向前的脚去欺诈。你看,你看,他们从不满足于上帝,仁慈,和任何艺术的帮助,而是用发髻和发辫把头发卷起来,用各种巧妙的手法把头发染红,用油漆和油光弄脏,直到最美丽的脸,而是用假发,鬈发和香水。 They mar with musk the balm which nature made And dig for death in delicatest dishes. The younger sort come piping on apace, In whistles made of fine enticing wood, Till they have caught the birds for whom they birded. The elder sort go stately stalking on, And on their backs they bear both land and fee, Castles and towers, revenues and receipts, Lordships and manors, fines, yea, farms and all. What should these be? Speak you, my lovely lord. They be not men: for why? they have no beards. They be no boys, which wear such side long gowns. They be no gods, for all their gallant gloss. They be no devils, I trow, which seem so saintish. What be they? women? masking in men's weeds? With Dutchkin doublets, and with jerkins jagg'd? With Spanish spangs, and ruffs fet out of France, With high-copp'd hats, and feathers flaunt-a-flaunt? They be so sure, even wo to men indeed. Nay then, my lord, let shut the glass apace, High time it were for my poor muse to wink, Since all the hands, all paper, pen, and ink, Which ever yet this wretched world possess'd Cannot describe this sex in colours due! No, no, my lord, we gazed have enough; And I too much, God pardon me therefore. Better look off, than look an ace too far; And better mum, than meddle overmuch. But if my glass do like my lovely lord, We will espy, some sunny summer's day, To look again, and see some seemly sights. Meanwhile, my Muse right humbly doth beseech, That my good lord accept this vent'rous verse, Until my brains may better stuff devise.