


你很伤心——可是我没有和你在一起!你病了,我还不在你身边。我想,只有快乐和健康才能到我不在的地方,而痛苦和悲伤却在这里。果真如此吗?——正如我所预言的,而且将更加如此;因为头脑畏缩不前,破碎的心冰冷地躺着,沉重收集着破碎的战利品。不是在狂风暴雨中,也不是在争吵中,我们感到麻木,希望不再有什么,而是在岸上的寂静中,当一切都已失去,只剩下一点生命。我报仇得太狠了!但这是我的权利;不管我犯了什么罪,你都不是来报复我的——上天也没有选择这么近的工具。仁慈是给仁慈的人的!—if thou Hast been of such, 'twill be accorded now. Thy nights are banished from the realms of sleep!— Yes! they may flatter thee, but thou shalt feel A hollow agony which will not heal, For thou art pillowed on a curse too deep; Thou hast sown in my sorrow, and must reap The bitter harvest in a woe as real! I have had many foes, but none like thee; For 'gainst the rest myself I could defend, And be avenged, or turn them into friend; But thou in safe implacability Hadst nought to dread—in thy own weakness shielded, And in my love which hath but too much yielded, And spared, for thy sake, some I should not spare— And thus upon the world—trust in thy truth— And the wild fame of my ungoverned youth— On things that were not, and on things that are— Even upon such a basis hast thou built A monument whose cement hath been guilt! The moral Clytemnestra of thy lord, And hewed down, with an unsuspected sword, Fame, peace, and hope—and all the better life Which, but for this cold treason of thy heart, Might still have risen from out the grave of strife, And found a nobler duty than to part. But of thy virtues didst thou make a vice, Trafficking with them in a purpose cold, For present anger, and for future gold— And buying other's grief at any price. And thus once entered into crooked ways, The early truth, which was thy proper praise, Did not still walk beside thee—but at times, And with a breast unknowing its own crimes, Deceit, averments incompatible, Equivocations, and the thoughts which dwell In Janus-spirits—the significant eye Which learns to lie with silence—the pretext Of Prudence, with advantages annexed— The acquiescence in all things which tend, No matter how, to the desired end— All found a place in thy philosophy. The means were worthy, and the end is won— I would not do by thee as thou hast done!