


我青春的污点!你那无云的天空被微风吹拂着,它那灰白的枝条叹息着;现在我独自沉思,我常常和我所爱的人一起踏过你那柔软翠绿的草地;那些分散在远方的人,也许会像我一样,哀叹他们以前所知道的幸福景象:哦!当我再次追寻你蜿蜒的山峦,我的眼睛崇拜你,我的心依旧崇拜你,你这垂垂的榆树!我躺在它的枝头下,常常在暮色中沉思;我的四肢像从前一样斜倚在那里,可是啊!没有了当时属于我的思想。你的枝干是怎样呜咽着,迎着狂风,邀请胸脯回忆往事,当胸脯微微膨胀时,仿佛在低语:“趁你还能,作一次缠绵的,最后的告别吧!”当命运终于给我这炽热的胸膛降温,让它的忧虑和激情平静下来时,我常常想,它会抚慰我弥留的时刻,——如果有什么能在生命失去力量的时候抚慰我,——我知道有一个更卑微的坟墓,一个狭窄的牢房,会把我的胸膛藏在它爱住的地方。 With this fond dream, methinks, 'twere sweet to die— And here it lingered, here my heart might lie; Here might I sleep, where all my hopes arose, Scene of my youth, and couch of my repose; For ever stretched beneath this mantling shade, Pressed by the turf where once my childhood played; Wrapped by the soil that veils the spot I loved, Mixed with the earth o'er which my footsteps moved; Blest by the tongues that charmed my youthful ear, Mourned by the few my soul acknowledged here; Deplored by those in early days allied, And unremembered by the world beside.