


记住他吧,激情的力量严酷地——深刻地——徒劳地证明了他;记住那危险的时刻吧,谁也没有堕落,虽然两人都相爱。那温柔的祈祷,那恳求的叹息,那更狂野的愿望,被责备,被压抑。哦!让我感到我所失去的一切,却救了你一切良心所害怕的;为免除岁月徒劳的悔恨而付出的每一次痛苦而脸红。然而,想想这一点吧,许多人的舌头,用忙碌的声调低声责备你,会伤害爱你的心,烙上一个几近凋谢的名字。想想看,不管对别人怎样,你已经看到每一个自私的思想都被压制了:即使现在,即使现在,在午夜的孤独中,我也祝福你更纯洁的灵魂。哦,上帝!我们的心同样相爱,你的手更自由;当你无罪地爱过,而我对你更不值得! Far may thy days, as heretofore, From this our gaudy world be past! And that too bitter moment o'er, Oh! may such trial be thy last. This heart, alas! perverted long, Itself destroyed might there destroy; To meet thee in the glittering throng, Would wake Presumption's hope of joy. Then to the things whose bliss or woe, Like mine, is wild and worthless all, That world resign---such scenes forego, Where those who feel must surely fall. Thy youth, thy charms, thy tenderness--- Thy soul from long seclusion pure; From what even here hath passed, may guess What there thy bosom must endure. Oh! pardon that imploring tear, Since not by Virtue shed in vain, My frenzy drew from eyes so dear; For me they shall not weep again. Though long and mournful must it be, The thought that we no more may meet; Yet I deserve the stern decree, And almost deem the sentence sweet. Still---had I loved thee less---my heart Had then less sacrificed to thine; It felt not half so much to part As if its guilt had made thee mine.