


夜渐暗,消逝殆尽,渐暗的星星熄灭了,就像筵席上久留不灭的灯火,月亮因守望而脸色苍白,沉入云雾缭绕的城墙后。年轻的,盛开的晨曦,戴着她的新娘花环,弯着腰?她的镜子清澈,忠实的大海;凝视着她的美丽,涨红了眉头,直到每一种形象的魅力把玫瑰抛向波浪的怀抱,然后,他们向天空瞥了一眼,又涨红了脸,就像太阳跳出来要娶他那容光焕发的新娘一样;大海和天空仿佛是一朵晨曦的玫瑰,从那以后,它在光辉中生长,世界向白天射出她那微弱的光芒,而黑夜则飞快地跑去寻找那沉睡在海那边寂静洞穴里的幽暗的阴影。天气越来越平静,越来越热,我们的船像一只沉睡的天鹅躺在湖面上,从陆地上吹来的柔和的空气带来了芬芳的气味,我们感到橘子树林在太阳的照耀下盛开,太阳在海面上熊熊燃烧。我们听到(Fancy?)远处的钟声;并通过吗?在美因湖上沸腾的薄雾描绘出紫色的海岸?修道院小镇?还有雪白的小床,从黑暗的山坡上,在芭蕉丛中向天空窥视,或从海上的椰林中微笑。 Meanwhile our ship slid on, with breathing sails Fraught with the melody of murmured song Such as the zephyr chanted to the morn, And showers of diamonds flashed before the prow While sternwards whirled unstrung?pale beads of foam, Pearls from the loosen?d chaplet of the sea. ?Mid these the flame-bright Nautilus, that seemed Itself a flow?ret cast upon the stream, Spread out its crimson sail and drifted on. Beyond arose a cloud (as ?twere) of birds, That leapt from out the wave to meet the sun, Flew a short circuit, till their wings grew dry, And seaward fell in showers of silver rain. ?Mid these careered the dolphin-squadrons swift, With mail of changeful hue, and Iris tints; And floating slowly on, a sea-flow?r passed, A living creature (none the less a flow?r) That lives its life in love, and dies for joy, Unmissed ?mid myriads in the sapphire sea.