


西尔维娅,你还记不记得,在你的凡人生活中,你笑嘻嘻的双眸里仍然闪烁着美丽的光芒,而你,轻盈而体贴,超越了少女时代?限制?当你快乐地、满足地、专注地坐在那个女人身上时,你周围安静的房间和街道响起了你无休止的歌声。工作,模糊的未来,鲜活地抵达你的脑海。那是芬芳的五月,然后呢?这是你如何度过你的一天。我要离开我那醉人的书斋,离开那些被翻过的书页,离开我年轻的生命,离开我最好的一面,离开我父亲的阳台?我的房子努力捕捉你的声音,还有你的手,快,跑过织布机。我望着宁静的天空,金色的花园和小路,望着山的那一边,望着遥远的大海。人类的语言无法表达我当时的感受。多么甜蜜的思想,多么美好的希望,多么美好的心灵,啊,西尔维娅·米娅!那时候,在我们看来,整个人类的生命和命运是怎样的!当我回忆起希望的时候,这种感觉使我痛苦,苛刻,沮丧,我沉思自己的命运。哦,大自然,大自然,为什么你现在不兑现你当时的承诺呢? Why do you so deceive your children? Attacked, and conquered, by secret disease, you died, my tenderest one, and did not see your years flower, or feel your heart moved, by sweet praise of your black hair your shy, loving looks. No friends talked with you, on holidays, about love. My sweet hopes died also little by little: to me too Fate has denied those years. Oh, how you have passed me by, dear friend of my new life, my saddened hope! Is this the world, the dreams, the loves, events, delights, we spoke about so much together? Is this our human life? At the advance of Truth you fell, unhappy one, and from the distance, with your hand, you pointed towards death?s coldness and the silent grave.