


魔鬼是一位绅士,他请你到他在什么地方的小房子里去住(离这儿不远)。他们说这项运动很精彩;总是有新鲜的东西,有童话般的场景,有可怕的壮举,只有他才能做到;如果长着羽毛的小天使飞在庄园里,他可以射杀它们,或者用美人鱼为海神打鱼做诱饵;他攀上了高耸的星空,在天空中吹响了他的号角,把上帝自己的星冠夺了下来,推到架子上;但魔鬼是个绅士,从不自夸。啊,弄瞎你的眼睛,伤透你的心,砍断你的手,失去你的爱,剃光你的头;但不要去住在什么地方的那个小地方,那里的人既有钱又聪明;那栋金碧辉煌的房子,在那里一切都变得越来越糟;有些事你不必知道,即使你白生白死;有些人厌倦了享乐,甚于你厌倦了痛苦; There is a game of April Fool that's played behind its door, Where the fool remains for ever and the April comes no more, Where the splendour of the daylight grows drearier than the dark, And life droops like a vulture that once was such a lark: And that is the Blue Devil that once was the Blue Bird; For the Devil is a gentleman, and doesn't keep his word.