


从黎明到白天,风从卑尔根吹来,在二十英里外,树木被毁坏,塔楼倒塌,像一片在潮水前漂来漂去的枯黄的叶子,喷出房屋和马厩,缺少旗帜和新娘。天空在我的头顶上低垂着,像六角星在呐喊,雨水可能会熄灭太阳,洗净天空中的星星,雨水像从上面神秘的世界落下的残破的海洋,咆哮着的是上帝的雨,只有孤独的爱。敌人啊,在我的大厅里尽情享受,尽情吃喝,尽情排泄,你从来没有像我爱雨那样爱天上的太阳。战斗的机会在变化——所有的战斗都可能如此;我从他们那里偷走了我的新娘,他们又从我这里偷走了她。我把她从她的红屋顶的大厅里租了出来,我骑着马,看见她的眼睛里的仇恨比活的花朵更可爱。她从来没有爱过我,从来没有屈服过,从来没有像现在这样神圣;夕阳不曾爱过我,风不曾属于我。她穿着制服站在皇帝的位置上,难道这一切都不算什么吗?她的衣裙一扫,寂静也变得柔和起来。 O you who drain the cup of life, O you who wear the crown, You never loved a woman's smile as I have loved her frown. The wind blew out from Bergen to the dawning of the day, They ride and run with fifty spears to break and bar my way, I shall not die alone, alone, but kin to all the powers, As merry as the ancient sun and fighting like the flowers. How white their steel, how bright their eyes! I love each laughing knave, Cry high and bid him welcome to the banquet of the brave. Yea, I will bless them as they bend and love them where they lie, When on their skulls the sword I swing falls shattering from the sky. The hour when death is like a light and blood is like a rose, -- You never loved your friends, my friends, as I shall love my foes. Know you what earth shall lose to-night, what rich uncounted loans, What heavy gold of tales untold you bury with my bones? My loves in deep dim meadows, my ships that rode at ease, Ruffling the purple plumage of strange and secret seas. To see this fair earth as it is to me alone was given, The blow that breaks my brow to-night shall break the dome of heaven. The skies I saw, the trees I saw after no eyes shall see, To-night I die the death of God; the stars shall die with me; One sound shall sunder all the spears and break the trumpet's breath: You never laughed in all your life as I shall laugh in death.