


上帝特别为每一个小镇或地方创造了星星;婴儿们带着猫头鹰的脸抬起头,看见他们被缠在树上;你看到了苏塞克斯唐斯的月亮,苏塞克斯的月亮,无人走过,我看到了镇上的月亮,坎普登山上最大的灯。是啊;天堂在家里无处不在,蓝色的大帽子总是合适的,所以它是(冷静;他们终于到达了目标,我的游荡的智慧),英雄的事情也是如此;这不会因为世界的终结而结束,尽管引擎在阴沉地摇摆,你不要太害怕,我的朋友。这并没有在纳尔逊的骨灰盒前结束,不朽的英格兰坐着——也没有在奥斯特里茨,你们高大的年轻人反过来像喝酒一样喝死。当学究们叫我们注意到一定会发生什么冷冰冰的机械事故时;我们的灵魂在黑暗中说:‘不像; but there are likelier things.' Likelier across these flats afar These sulky levels smooth and free The drums shall crash a waltz of war And Death shall dance with Liberty; Likelier the barricades shall blare Slaughter below and smoke above, And death and hate and hell declare That men have found a thing to love. Far from your sunny uplands set I saw the dream; the streets I trod The lit straight streets shot out and met The starry streets that point to God. This legend of an epic hour A child I dreamed, and dream it still, Under the great grey water-tower That strikes the stars on Campden Hill