


我的身体,嗯?死神朋友,现在怎么样?为什么要写这么多冗长乏味的文书?半个世纪以来,你一点一滴地,坚定而缓慢地收复了它。今天你知道的比我还多,在哪里可以找到!我现在被拴在这一团痛苦的干瘪的泥块上,与我曾经拥有的美好躯体毫无亲缘关系;11你看这张干瘪、可怕的脸。12你以前见过这张脸吗?啊,好吧,朋友死亡,你真是个好朋友;你唯一的缺点是你步履迟缓,15你心中对那些叫你等待的胆怯的人的怜悯是错误的。凡你所当行的,快快行吧。我和我也不拦阻。 19 I shall be free when thou art through; 20 I grudge thee nought that thou must take! 21 Stay! I have lied; I grudge thee one, 22 Yes, two I grudge thee at this last,-- 23 Two members which have faithful done 24 My will and bidding in the past. 25 I grudge thee this right hand of mine; 26 I grudge thee this quick-beating heart; 27 They never gave me coward sign, 28 Nor played me once the traitor's part. 29 I see now why in olden days 30 Men in barbaric love or hate 31 Nailed enemies' hands at wild crossways, 32 Shrined leaders' hearts in costly state: 33 The symbol, sign and instrument 34 Of each soul's purpose, passion, strife, 35 Of fires in which are poured and spent 36 Their all of love, their all of life. 37 O feeble, mighty human hand! 38 O fragile, dauntless human heart! 39 The universe holds nothing planned 40 With such sublime, transcendent art! 41 Yes, Death, I own I grudge thee mine 42 Poor little hand, so feeble now; 43 Its wrinkled palm, its altered line, 44 Its veins so pallid and so slow -- * * * (Unfinished here.) 45 Ah, well, friend Death, good friend thou art; 46 I shall be free when thou art through. 47 Take all there is -- take hand and heart; 48 There must be somewhere work to do.