


我从来没有我的地产契。可是,当我走过田地时,眼睛却很少注意我,看谁在作客。有些笨手笨脚的人,租下我的树,砍下我的树来生火,占有我所有的土地,向我的佃户征税,使他们痛苦不堪。如果我说我是第一个收割的人,把最坏的留给他们,说他们是我王国里的居民手中的乞丐,对那些疯话嗤之以鼻的嘲笑,他们会回答说我不在乎;他们无法挤进迷人的空气;他们不能碰我持有的所有他们买卖的债券。他们可以拦阻我忠实的蜜蜂,我的蜜蜂被哄骗入睡,轻而易举地就被抢劫了。一天的蜜甜就这样被抢走了吗?整个夏天,在我的脚边,金色的浪花从羽绒的翅膀上飘下来,在芬芳的东西上闪闪发光,这是免费的礼物,它来到我身边。我的庄稼,打着光洁的旗帜,每天早晨出来迎接我,向我致敬; The glittering ranks spread royally Far as I walk. When hasty greed Tramples it down for food and seed, I, with a certain veiled delight, Hear half the crop is lost by blight. Letter of the law these may fulfil, Plant where they like, slay what they will, Count up their gains and make them great; Nevertheless, the whole estate Always belongs to me and mine. We are the only royal line. And though I have no title-deed My tenants pay me royal heed When our sweet fields I wander by To see what strangers occupy.