


只有一夜从旧到新!只是一个晚上,做了那么多事!旧年的心都累了,但说:“新年的休息带来了。”旧年的希望,它的心已埋下,像埋在坟墓里;他信任地说:“新年花冠的花朵是从死者的灰烬中开出的。”旧年的心充满了贪婪;它自私地渴望着,痛苦着,叫道:“我所需要的还不到一半。我的口渴又苦又难解。但在新年慷慨的手中,一切丰厚的恩赐都将得到回报;真爱会懂得; By all y failures it shall learn. I have been reckless; it shall be Quiet and calm and pure of life. I was a slave; it shall go free, And find sweet pace where I leave strife." Only a night from old to new! Never a night such changes brought. The Old Year had its work to do; No New Year miracles are wrought. Always a night from old to new! Night and the healing balm of sleep! Each morn is New Year's morn come true, Morn of a festival to keep. All nights are sacred nights to make Confession and resolve and prayer; All days are sacred days to wake New gladness in the sunny air. Only a night from old to new; Only a sleep from night to morn. The new is but the old coem true; Each sunrise sees a new year born.