


我们必须受苦,丈夫和父亲,我们必须受苦,女儿和儿子,为我们参与的罪恶,为我们目睹的罪恶。愿那轻浮安逸的新娘蒙羞哑巴。因为我告诉你们,容他们儿女来的外邦人必管辖我们。澳大利亚怎样才能逃脱呢?我们在南方孤军奋战,谁拿起刀剑,既不代表英格兰的权利,也不代表我们自己的权利?我们能把丈夫和父亲带回来吗?我们能把情人和儿子带回来吗?从亡灵到被我们的杀戮之火摧毁的家园?)当我们遇见血染的黎明,谁来帮助和保护我们?英国,这个被各国所恨,靠舰队生存的国家,会吗?谁,因为她的麦田和牧场应该是鹿园和狩猎场,必须为她成千上万的羊群带来食物,并把它们带到海上?英国章鱼的喙,或者我们触手可及的老板们,他们在炎热的日子里在山上度过,夏天在曼利海滩度过! The thousands of paltry swindlers who are fathoms beneath our scorn ? Or the army of brave sons grown from the children who should have been born! The wealth you have won has been wasted on trips to the English Rome, On costly costumes from Paris, and titles and gewgaws from "home". Shall a knighthood frighten Asia when she comes with the hate of hell? Will the motor-launch race the torpedo, or the motor-car outspeed the shell? Keep the wealth you have won from the cities, spend the wealth you have won on the land, Save the floods that run into the ocean ? save the floods that sink into the sand! Make farms fit to live on, build workshops and technical schools for your sons; Keep the wealth of the land in Australia ? make your own cloth, machines, and guns! Clear out the Calico Jimmy, the nigger, the Chow, and his pals; Be your foreword for years: Irrigation. Make a network of lakes and canals! See that your daughters have children, and see that Australia is home, And so be prepared, a strong nation, for the storm that most surely must come.