


啊,好!但这事看来是没有希望了,这支笔可能会徒劳无功;人们一遍又一遍地喋喋不休地谈论旧事。为了圆滑的进口商,我们拿着镐头和剪刀当奴隶,而在澳大利亚,成百上千的男孩渴望成为工程师。新一代的孩子们在澳大利亚的天空下冉冉升起,他们梦幻般的眼睛里闪烁着天才的光芒——不像艺术家或诗人那样充满了虚无的想象,而是天生的思想家、实干家和奇妙事物的创造者。我们生来就是在浪费和失落的港湾里建造船只的人,它们将把我们的货物运送到世界各地,飞上南十字星;当东方受到犹太人的支持时,我们的舰队将守卫我们的海岸,由澳大利亚船长领导,由澳大利亚船员管理。他们身材矮小、文静,但他们坚强、真诚,梦想着伟大的发明——总是有新的东西;他们的头脑不受训练的束缚,但对理性的指引反应迅速——他们是富有想象力和敏锐、聪明的孩子。他们渴望曲柄和皮带,渴望齿轮和旋转的车轮,渴望巨锤的敲击声,渴望磨光的钢材的闪光,渴望模具、虎钳和车床——他们是渴望打开世界力学和科学奥秘之门的钥匙的孩子。 They would be makers of fabrics, of cloth for the continents--- Makers of mighty engines and delicate instruments, It is they who would set fair cities on the western plains far out, They who would garden the deserts---it is they who would conquer the drought! They see the dykes to the skyline, where a dust-waste blazes to-day, And they hear the lap of the waters on the miles of sand and clay; They see the rainfall increasing, and the bountiful sweeps of grass, And all the year on the rivers long strings of their barges pass. . . . . . . . But still are the steamers loading with our timber and wood and gold, To return with the costly shoddy stacked high in the foreign hold, With cardboard boots for our leather, and Brum-magem goods and slops For thin, white-faced Australians to sell in our sordid shops.