


“你骑着马和自行车要去哪里,而镇上的人还在休息?”你要去哪里,带着你的行李,夜色还在西部?你的衣服穿破了,你的支票没了,但你的眼睛却无忧无虑??我们?我们是布须曼人,来城里狂欢,我们呢?“我们要到天晓得的地方去,老伙计?”we’我们要到天知道的地方去。在天知道的地方有又大又黑的灌木丛,他们在那里独自战斗;在天知道的地方有广阔的平原,那里有一个人?他的灵魂是他自己的。有健康的工作,有健康的休息,有远离自我折磨的平静,有远离卑微的光荣的自由!和他们?“你要去上帝知道的地方。”“现在,你要去哪里?” Now where are you going with your chest of tools, And the old togs in the chest? With your six clean shirts and a pound of `weed?, And enough for a third-class fare?? ?Oh! I?ll be afloat by the very next boat, And I?m bound for the Lord-knows-where, Old chap?I?m bound for the Lord-knows-where.? (There are wide wide seas to the Lord-knows-where, Where a man might have a spell, The things turn up in the Lord-knows-where that We waited for too well. There?s a stranger land in the Lord-knows-where, And a show for the stranger there. There is war and quake more work to make, And he?s bound for the Lord-knows-where.) ?Now where are you going with your Gladstone bag, With your shirt-case and valise? Now where are you going with your cap and shoes, And your looks of joyful peace? Now where are you going with your money belts, And your drafts on the first bank there?? ??We have made a hit,? or `we?ve made a bit,? And we?re bound for the Lord-knows-where, Old chap?we?re bound for the Lord-knows-where.? (There are sinful ports in the Lord-knows-where, There are marvellous sights to see, There are high old games in the Lord-knows-where, That were known to you and me. There is love and music, and life and light from The Heads to ?Lester? Square, There is more than space for their high young hearts There is safety or danger there, And they?ll come back wild, or they?ll come back tamed When they?ve been to the Lord-knows-where.) ?Now where am I going with my whisky flask, And with little else beside? Now where am I going with my second shirt, To wear while the first is dried? I have marred my name, and I?ve lost my fame, But my hope?s in good repair. There are lies about, there are warrants out? And I?m bound for the Lord-knows-where, Old Chap?and I?m bound for the Lord-knows-where.? (There?s a rise and fall of the sloping decks, That is good for a soul in pain; There?s the drowsy rest on the sunlight sea Till your strength comes back again. Oh, the wild mad spirit is hypnotized, And nerves are tranquil there, And the past is hushed in forgetfulness, On the road to the Lord-knows-where.)