


二等舱睡的地方很闷,因为有将近一百个人,他们像羊一样挤在一起——他们大部分都是在一条笔直的路上旅行的;可是他们的亚麻衣服太少了,也没有洗澡的地方——像母羊和羊一样被藏了起来,上面写着“岸上”和“岸上”的记号。但是剪羊毛机的剪羊毛机似乎总是飞到船尾去;在有软垫的船尾舱里,有客厅和烟室,船尾——船尾有床单和最好的牛油,供第一批的水手吃。我们的牛肉就像从兽皮里剥出来的牛皮,土豆也捞得太早了,因为它们里面大多是绿的;不过,从船中部的某个地方传来一股做饭的香味,我愿用我的人间的希望来换一份真正的好伙食——火腿、鸡蛋和咖啡,船尾,说,午餐有冷家禽,船尾,多汁的烤肉、烤面包和肉排——船尾,有多汁的烤肉,他们给我们的女人吃得很像样,而且还大惊小怪,好像他们不相信她们会和我们一起吃饭似的!只是因为我们的手长了角质,我们的心因腐败而变得粗糙——可是先生们和女士们总是在一起吃饭,在船尾——在他们的蕨类植物和镜子,在船尾,在他们的flow和餐巾,在船尾——“我来帮你拿一个橘子”——“请把糖递给我,在船尾。我们是寒酸的,粗糙的,肮脏的,我们的感觉不和谐,这对男人来说是艰难的,因为我们习惯于去酒吧。”在我们中间有一种不稳定的情绪——他被人骂了,被人取笑了。可怜的家伙,为了他自己,我有时真希望他在船尾;因为他们会理解他的,(他会想念船尾的浴室的),尽管如此,不可否认,船尾有更好的感觉。昨天晚上,我们看着月光洒在海面上——“谋生难,”破碎的浪花对我说。“有起有落,”我回答,他苦笑了一声——他总是到船尾去旅行的时候,日子也好,日子也好——在船尾,他带着地毯和格栅石,在船尾,他带着帽子和望远镜——一个无忧无虑、游手好闲、快活的年轻人,总是到船尾去旅行。舷梯旁有个通知,好像写错了,因为上面说,二等舱不允许上船。”应该给船尾的人发个通知——不过,那股臭味和泥土对船尾的头几个水手是一种警告。 With their tooth and nail-brush, aft, With their cuffs 'n' collars, aft -- Their cigars an' books an' papers, an' their cap-peaks fore-'n'-aft. I want to breathe the mornin' breeze that blows against the boat, For there's a swellin' in my heart -- a tightness in my throat -- We are for'ard when there's trouble! We are for'ard when there's graft! But the men who never battle always seem to travel aft; With their dressin'-cases, aft, With their swell pyjamas, aft -- Yes! the idle and the careless, they have ease an' comfort, aft. I feel so low an' wretched, as I mooch about the deck, That I'm ripe for jumpin' over -- an' I wish there was a wreck! We are driven to New Zealand to be shot out over there -- Scarce a shillin' in our pockets, nor a decent rag to wear, With the everlastin' worry lest we don't get into graft -- There is little left to land for if you cannot travel aft; No anxiety abaft, They have stuff to land with, aft -- Oh, there's little left to land for if you cannot travel aft; But it's grand at sea this mornin', an' Creation almost speaks, Sailin' past the Bay of Islands with its pinnacles an' peaks, With the sunny haze all round us an' the white-caps on the blue, An' the orphan rocks an' breakers -- Oh, it's glorious sailin' through! To the south a distant steamer, to the west a coastin' craft, An' we see the beauty for'ard, better than if we were aft; Spite of op'ra-glasses, aft; But, ah well, they're brothers aft -- Nature seems to draw us closer -- bring us nearer fore-'n'-aft. What's the use of bein' bitter? What's the use of gettin' mad? What's the use of bein' narrer just because yer luck is bad? What's the blessed use of frettin' like a child that wants the moon? There is broken hearts an' trouble in the gilded first saloon! We are used to bein' shabby -- we have got no overdraft -- We can laugh at troubles for'ard that they couldn't laugh at aft; Spite o' pride an' tone abaft (Keepin' up appearance, aft) There's anxiety an' worry in the breezy cabins aft. But the curse o' class distinctions from our shoulders shall be hurled, An' the influence of woman revolutionize the world; There'll be higher education for the toilin' starvin' clown, An' the rich an' educated shall be educated down; An' we all will meet amids