


沿着小溪,沿着波光粼粼的水面,穿过百合花闪烁的池塘,那是一个霸占者?年代的女儿。她的眼睛很慈祥;她的嘴唇是温暖的;她的脸像一朵花;这个习惯显示了她美丽的身材,像格蕾丝一样优雅。我阿?I’我知道我会为爱而疯狂;我的头她?我肯定会糊涂的;哦,丘比特,丘比特; get your bow; And shoot her from the saddle! For, like a bird on breezes waft, She quickly, quickly passes; O Cupid, Cupid, draw your shaft; And bring her to the grasses! O she is worthy game for you; And there is none to match her. So, Cupid, send your arrow true; And I?ll be there to catch her!