


他们站在高地客栈的门口。梅·卡尼抬头看着丛林人的眼睛:“哦!你为什么来?——你真是疯了,杰克;你知道那些骑警正在追捕你呢。”他笑了笑,摇了摇固执的头——“我想跳舞,我愿意碰碰运气,”他说。大约有二十多个布须曼人来参加这个“舞会”,但杰克从年轻时起就为他们所熟知,在女人美丽的地方,布须曼人是温柔的,所以梅·卡尼的爱在那里保护了他;整个短暂的夜晚——看起来很浪漫——她和一个冒险的丛林猎人跳舞。午夜时分——跳舞的人突然站着不动了,因为山坡上传来了马蹄声!车夫本·杜根沿着山坡骑马而来,只有布须曼人才会骑马。 He sprang from his horse, to the shanty he sped -- `The troopers are down in the gully!' he said. Quite close to the homestead the troopers were seen. `Clear out and ride hard for the ranges, Jack Dean! Be quick!' said May Carney -- her hand on her heart -- `We'll bluff them awhile, and 'twill give you a start.' He lingered a moment -- to kiss her, of course -- Then ran to the trees where he'd hobbled his horse. She ran to the gate, and the troopers were there -- The jingle of hobbles came faint on the air -- Then loudly she screamed: it was only to drown The treacherous clatter of slip-rails let down. But troopers are sharp, and she saw at a glance That someone was taking a desperate chance. They chased, and they shouted, `Surrender, Jack Dean!' They called him three times in the name of the Queen. Then came from the darkness the clicking of locks; The crack of the rifles was heard in the rocks! A shriek and a shout, and a rush of pale men -- And there lay the bushranger, chancing it then. The sergeant dismounted and knelt on the sod -- `Your bushranging's over -- make peace, Jack, with God!' The bushranger laughed -- not a word he replied, But turned to the girl who knelt down by his side. He gazed in her eyes as she lifted his head: `Just kiss me -- my girl -- and -- I'll -- chance it,' he said.