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Grog-an - grumble障碍赛

在海岸线和边境线之间,坐落着格罗格-安格鲁伯镇。从前,丛林人是一个无趣的、没心没脑的苦力。人们说,当地的集会是一场酒醉后的混战,常常以对法官的审问结束。据说,城里的天才经常在格罗格-格鲁伯的比赛中抓到一个鞑靼人,回来的时候脑袋都碎了,因为格罗格-格鲁伯的起跑者的命运、生命和安全,主要取决于当地的纯种马的成绩。帕特·M·德默是一匹马的主人,他们叫它“尖叫者”,他称它为“达令河和大海之间最快的步道”,我想,这位胃病发作的做梦者是否见过比这更令人发指的马的景色呢?因为他从头到尾的观点都很明确,他的眼睛颜色不一样,他的腿也不一样。帕特·M·德默说他来的时候总是“马上就赢了”,他的父亲来自英国,他的父亲来自美国。朋友们会和德默先生争论,说他不该让他的马“尖叫者”上场,因为他无论如何都会输。他们还说,一个名叫“神圣恐怖”的城市赛马手被认为是即将到来的障碍赛的冠军;但他说他知道下雨的时候可以进来,并且随口提到他知道一天中的时间,所以他在他们的心目中上升了。人们注意到,尖叫者的训练是以一种黑暗而神秘的方式进行的。好了,这一天光荣地来到了;这是一个欢腾的日子,方圆一百英里的地方都有粗心大意的布希曼人,朗姆酒、啤酒和威士忌用大车从车站运来,神圣恐怖的人才是第一个来到这里的。 Judge M'Ard ? with whose opinion it was scarcely safe to wrestle ? Took his dangerous position on the bark-and-sapling stand: He was what the local Stiggins used to speak of as a "wessel Of wrath", and he'd a bludgeon that he carried in his hand. "Off ye go!" the starter shouted, as down fell a stupid jockey ? Off they started in disorder ? left the jockey where he lay ? And they fell and rolled and galloped down the crooked course and rocky, Till the pumping of the Screamer could be heard a mile away. But he kept his legs and galloped; he was used to rugged courses, And he lumbered down the gully till the ridge began to quake: And he ploughed along the siding, raising earth till other horses An' their riders, too, were blinded by the dust-cloud in his wake. From the ruck he'd struggled slowly ? they were much surprised to find him Close abeam of the Holy Terror as along the flat they tore ? Even higher still and denser rose the cloud of dust behind him, While in more divided splinters flew the shattered rails before. "Terror!" "Dead heat!" they were shouting ? "Terror!" but the Screamer hung out Nose to nose with Holy Terror as across the creek they swung, An' M'Durmer shouted loudly, "Put yer toungue out! put yer tongue out!" An ' the Screamer put his tongue out, and he won by half-a-tongue.