


夜过得太快,我们也老了,让我们斟满酒杯,为黄金的日子干杯;当奇妙的宝藏的发现点燃了整个南方,你和我是忠实的伙伴,在咆哮的日子里!庄严的船只从每一个港口驶来,寻找在南方发出灯塔的希望之地;然后,他们的彩带向南流去,把他们的帆布鼓得满满的,以加速他们在船壳里承载的最狂野的梦想。他们灿烂的黄金国,在南方的天空下,在他们热切的眼前,永远是白天和黑夜。沉思的灌木丛,觉醒了,在狂野的不安中被搅动,一年到头,一股人流涌向西方。当一群强壮的骑兵在客栈下马时,粗糙的灌木丛路上回荡着酒吧里的嘈杂声。衷心的问候和热烈的握手会告诉我们来自异乡的朋友突然相遇;当这位新朋友困惑了很久,终于认出,在古铜色和胡须的皮肤后面,是过去的同志。当欢快的篝火在灌木丛中闪烁时,露营地挤满了商队; Then home the jests were driven, And good old songs were sung, And choruses were given The strength of heart and lung. Oh, they were lion-hearted Who gave our country birth! Oh, they were of the stoutest sons From all the lands on earth! Oft when the camps were dreaming, And fires began to pale, Through rugged ranges gleaming Would come the Royal Mail. Behind six foaming horses, And lit by flashing lamps, Old `Cobb and Co.'s', in royal state, Went dashing past the camps. Oh, who would paint a goldfield, And limn the picture right, As we have often seen it In early morning's light; The yellow mounds of mullock With spots of red and white, The scattered quartz that glistened Like diamonds in light; The azure line of ridges, The bush of darkest green, The little homes of calico That dotted all the scene. I hear the fall of timber From distant flats and fells, The pealing of the anvils As clear as little bells, The rattle of the cradle, The clack of windlass-boles, The flutter of the crimson flags Above the golden holes. . . . . . Ah, then our hearts were bolder, And if Dame Fortune frowned Our swags we'd lightly shoulder And tramp to other ground. But golden days are vanished, And altered is the scene; The diggings are deserted, The camping-grounds are green; The flaunting flag of progress Is in the West unfurled, The mighty bush with iron rails Is tethered to the world.