


当你领着浑浊的领子,穿着一件不白的衬衫,你无法入睡,因为你在想明天晚上你将如何入睡,你也许是一个悲伤的人,与忧虑为伴,却还不认识绝望的恶魔;因为我认为没有什么比知道你的裤子后面急需补上一块更让你烦恼的了。我注意到,当不幸降临到剧中的男主角身上时,他的衣服破得出奇;诸神为他鼓掌欢呼,而他却哀嚎着四处游荡,他们似乎从来没有注意到他的裤子大多完好无损;但是,当然,他没有办法,因为我们的欢笑会嘲笑他的关心,如果他的裤子的天花板显示补丁修补。当你感到路面磨损了你的皮革、袜子和皮肤时,你仍然抬起下巴,你仍然是一个英雄;你比一般人更有英雄气概,如果你不屑在开玩笑的幌子下博取同情;你将面对你所认识的人怀疑的目光;但是——当然,当你开始脱裤子的时候,你一定要面对他们。如果,当你红红的时候,你得到了你的快乐——没能把他当成神,有人会说你只能感谢你自己——有人会赌咒说你会以乞丐的身份死去,但你只会一笑置之,而你的衣服却叠在一起,戴着一顶体面的帽子; You may laugh at their predictions while your soles are wearing low, But -- a man's an awful coward when his pants begin to go. Though the present and the future may be anything but bright, It is best to tell the fellows that you're getting on all right, And a man prefers to say it -- 'tis a manly lie to tell, For the folks may be persuaded that you're doing very well; But it's hard to be a hero, and it's hard to wear a grin, When your most important garment is in places very thin. Get some sympathy and comfort from the chum who knows you best, That your sorrows won't run over in the presence of the rest; There's a chum that you can go to when you feel inclined to whine, He'll declare your coat is tidy, and he'll say: `Just look at mine!' Though you may be patched all over he will say it doesn't show, And he'll swear it can't be noticed when your pants begin to go. Brother mine, and of misfortune! times are hard, but do not fret, Keep your courage up and struggle, and we'll laugh at these things yet, Though there is no corn in Egypt, surely Africa has some -- Keep your smile in working order for the better days to come! We shall often laugh together at the hard times that we know, And get measured by the tailor when our pants begin to go. ...... Now the lady of refinement, in the lap of comfort rocked, Chancing on these rugged verses, will pretend that she is shocked. Leave her to her smelling-bottle; 'tis the wealthy who decide That the world should hide its patches 'neath the cruel look of pride; And I think there's something noble, and I swear there's nothing low, In the pride of Human Nature when its pants begin to go.