


这神圣的日子多么优雅啊!快乐的钟声,从那古老的塔尖上,能否把快乐的问候,送到孩子们围着篝火玩耍的每一个圣诞夜?唉!多少次月亮,那沉默的塔,把安息日的空气切开,沉默得像冰的方尖碑,在北极的正午下闪闪发光。可耻的敌人,他们用不敬的鼓声淹没了我们敬拜的赞美诗,全地最甜美的钟声在某个遥远的乡村小镇沉默不语。让我们想想,他们把死去的尤尔们,关在那里,他们带着旧世界的英国的欢乐,把他们带到海边,在他们的睡梦中有些回声。我们该如何庆祝这一天呢?盛宴,歌舞,古玩,宫廷里孩子们的欢声笑语,还有鬼神的故事?难道真的有一扇门,昔日的欢闹和圣诞的欢乐,还能像从前一样从这里进来吗?难道不会有一张苍白的脸注视着宴会,在瓦塞尔杯中唤起战争的可怕景象,把所有的地方都搅乱吗? How could we bear the mirth, While some loved reveler of a year ago Keeps his mute Christmas now beneath the snow, In cold Virginian earth? How shall we grace the day? Ah! let the thought that on this holy morn The Prince of Peace -- the Prince of Peace was born, Employ us, while we pray! Pray for the peace which long Hath left this tortured land, and haply now Holds its white court on some far mountain's brow, There hardly safe from wrong! Let every sacred fane Call its sad votaries to the shrine of God, And, with the cloister and the tented sod, Join in one solemn strain! With pomp of Roman form, With the grave ritual brought from England's shore, And with the simple faith which asks no more Than that the heart be warm! He, who, till time shall cease, Will watch that earth, where once, not all in vain, He died to give us peace, may not disdain A prayer whose theme is -- peace. Perhaps ere yet the Spring Hath died into the Summer, over all The land, the peace of His vast love shall fall, Like some protecting wing. Oh, ponder what it means! Oh, turn the rapturous thought in every way! Oh, give the vision and the fancy play, And shape the coming scenes! Peace in the quiet dales, Made rankly fertile by the blood of men, Peace in the woodland, and the lonely glen, Peace in the peopled vales! Peace in the crowded town, Peace in a thousand fields of waving grain, Peace in the highway and the flowery lane, Peace on the wind-swept down! Peace on the farthest seas, Peace in our sheltered bays and ample streams, Peace wheresoe'er our starry garland gleams, And peace in every breeze! Peace on the whirring marts, Peace where the scholar thinks, the hunter roams, Peace, God of Peace! peace, peace, in all our homes, And peace in all our hearts!