


在热带的维拉克鲁斯的天空下,他赢得了他的名声;勇敢地蔑视那些出自软弱无力的力量的伪善;他热爱一切坦率和亲切的欢乐,他的剑上缀满鲜花;他游走在当今的战士中间,就像艺术的战士,把它的战利品雕刻在人类的陶土上,铸就一颗快乐的心。我看见他在战斗中,不久,老萨姆特高傲的王冠就会动摇,从他们平静的交通梦想中惊醒那边城镇的码头;他平静地迎接一位贵客,为爱情和生命痛饮一杯,以玩笑发出致命的雷声,在争闹中欢笑。然而,即使是最严肃的士兵,也不会以更广阔的视野来考察战场;在那海围的城墙后面,还有谁怀着更崇高的希望在战斗呢?同性恋的首领!你的事迹是用剑写在名誉的深红色卷轴上的; But there are gentler thoughts which, with thy name, Thy country's page shall hoard. A nature of that rare and happy cast Which looks, unsteeled, on murder's face; Through what dark scenes of bloodshed hast thou passed, Yet lost no social grace? So, when the bard depicts thee, thou shalt wield The weapon of a tyrant's doom, Round which, inscribed with many a well-fought field, The rose of joy shall bloom.