

  • 时间1852 - 1933
  • 的地方宾西法尼亚
  • 国家美国


他于1873年毕业于普林斯顿大学,1877年毕业于普林斯顿神学院,并于1899年至1923年在普林斯顿大学担任英国文学教授。1908- 1909年,范戴克博士是巴黎大学的美国讲师。1913年,威尔逊总统任命他为驻荷兰和卢森堡公使。他被选入美国艺术与文学学院,并获得了许多其他荣誉。他的儿子是特蒂乌斯·范·戴克。他主持的委员会编写了第一本长老会的印刷礼拜仪式,即1906年的《公祷书》(the Book of Common Worship)。他最受欢迎的作品是两个圣诞故事《另一个智者》(1896)和《第一棵圣诞树》(1897)。他的诗歌、赞美诗和随笔集《小河》(1895)和《渔夫的运气》(1899)中也表达了他作品中的各种宗教主题。他为流行的赞美诗“快乐,快乐,我们崇拜你”(1907)写了歌词,以贝多芬的《欢乐颂》的曲调演唱。他在《蓝色的花》(1902)中编了几篇短篇小说,以诺瓦利斯首先介绍的浪漫主义的关键符号命名。 He also contributed a chapter to the collaborative novel, The Whole Family (1908). Among his poems is Katrina's Sundial, the inspiration for the song Time Is by the group It's a Beautiful Day on their eponymous 1969 debut album. Van Dyke's "Essays in Application" (1905) was quoted by Jack London in the dystopian novel "The Iron Heel". London disliked Van Dyke's ideas, but paid him the compliment of predicting that his writings would still be remembered six hundred years into the future and be cited by a Twenty-Sixth Century writer as "an example of bourgeois thinking". Specifically, London took issue with van Dyke's statement "The Bible teaches that God owns the world. He distributes to every man according to His own good pleasure, conformably to general laws." This London considered as similar to the statement of the Charleston Baptist Association in the 1830's, which justified slavery on theological grounds.