Henry Vaughan

Here you will find thePoemJoy Of My Life While Left Me Here!of poet Henry Vaughan

Joy Of My Life While Left Me Here!

Joy of my life while left me here! And still my love! How in thy absence thou dost steer Me from above! A life well led This truth commends, With quick or dead It never ends. Stars are of mighty use; the night Is dark, and long; The road foul; and where one goes right, Six may go wrong. One twinkling ray, Shot o'er some cloud, May clear much away, And guide a crowd. God's saints are shining lights: who stays Here long must pass O'er dark hills, swift streams, and steep ways As smooth as glass; But these all night, Like candles, shed Their beams, and light Us into bed. They are, indeed, our pillar-fires, Seen as we go; They are that city's shining spires We travel to: A swordlike gleam Kept man for sin First out ; this beam Will guide them in.