


西蒙·丹兹和他的海盗们巡游回来了;他烧了西班牙王的胡子、把哈恩的院长掳去、卖在阿尔及尔。在他位于马赛河畔的房子里,屋顶是瓦片,风标在空中高高飘扬,那里摆放着古董式样的银酒杯,从修道院和城堡里掠夺来的东西,还有一堆堆珍贵的地毯。在他镇旁的郁金香花园里,俯瞰着潺潺的小溪,戴着摩尔式的帽子,穿着晨衣,这位年老的船长,黝黑的皮肤,硬朗地走在梦中。每当他想到西班牙国王,他那灰色的胡子里就会露出微笑,那些列在一起的郁金香看起来像土耳其人,那个沉默的园丁变成了哈恩的院长。在薄雾中,风景最边缘的风车,对他来说是西班牙海岸上的高塔,岗哨长着胡须,尽管这是马斯河。但当冬雨开始时,他就坐在火堆旁抽烟,老航海者走了进来,他们留着山羊胡子,头发灰白,双下巴,手上戴着戒指。他们坐在那里,在冬夜闪烁的火光的阴影和阳光下;像伦勃朗在莱茵河上画的那些颜色和图案,半暗半明。他们谈论着冒险的输赢,他们的谈话永远是一样的,他们喝着龙蒿酒,从某个西班牙堂的酒窖里,或者从一个燃烧着的修道院里。 Restless at times with heavy strides He paces his parlor to and fro; He is like a ship that at anchor rides, And swings with the rising and falling tides, And tugs at her anchor-tow. Voices mysterious far and near, Sound of the wind and sound of the sea, Are calling and whispering in his ear, 'Simon Danz! Why stayest thou here? Come forth and follow me!' So he thinks he shall take to the sea again For one more cruise with his buccaneers, To singe the beard of the King of Spain, And capture another Dean of Jaen And sell him in Algiers.