


就是这里。站着别动,我的骏马,让我回顾一下这景色,从朦胧的过去召唤出曾经存在过的身影。过去和现在在这里汇合在时间的洪流之下,就像隐藏在小溪里的脚印,却在两边都看得见。这里是通往城镇的公路;我最温柔的朋友啊,我和你走过这条小路,到教堂去!菩提树的影子在草地上移动;在他们和移动的树枝之间,你走过一个影子。你的衣服像百合花,你的心也像百合花一样纯洁:那天,上帝的一位神圣使者与我同行。我看见树枝弯下腰来迎接你的触摸,草地上的三叶草花儿站起来亲吻你的脚,“睡吧,睡吧,折磨人的烦恼,尘世和愚蠢的诞生!”在那个甜蜜的安息日早晨,村里的唱诗班庄严地唱着歌。 Through the closed blinds the golden sun Poured in a dusty beam, Like the celestial ladder seen By Jacob in his dream. And ever and anon, the wind, Sweet-scented with the hay, Turned o'er the hymn-book's fluttering leaves That on the window lay. Long was the good man's sermon, Yet it seemed not so to me; For he spake of Ruth the beautiful, And still I thought of thee. Long was the prayer he uttered, Yet it seemed not so to me; For in my heart I prayed with him, And still I thought of thee. But now, alas! the place seems changed; Thou art no longer here: Part of the sunshine of the scene With thee did disappear. Though thoughts, deep-rooted in my heart, Like pine-trees dark and high, Subdue the light of noon, and breathe A low and ceaseless sigh; This memory brightens o'er the past, As when the sun, concealed Behind some cloud that near us hangs Shines on a distant field.