


午夜时分,我站在桥上,时钟正在报时,月亮从城市上空升起,在黑暗的教堂塔楼后面。我看见她明亮的倒影在我身下的水中,像一只金色的高脚杯落下,沉入大海。在六月那个美丽的夜晚,在朦胧的远方,熊熊燃烧的火炉发出比月亮更红的光芒。在长长的黑色椽子中间,摇摆不定的影子躺着,来自海洋的水流似乎把它们卷走了;姗姗来迟的潮水,在他们中间荡漾着漩涡,在月光下,海草飘得很宽。思绪如潮水般涌上我的心头,使我热泪盈眶。多少次,啊,多少次,在过去的日子里,我曾在午夜站在那座桥上,凝视着那波浪和天空!多少次啊,多少次啊,我多么希望退潮的潮水会把我抱在怀里,把我带到浩瀚的大海上去!因为我的心又热又不安,我的生活充满了忧虑,压在我身上的重担似乎比我所能承受的还要重。现在它离我而去,埋在海中; And only the sorrow of others Throws its shadow over me. Yet whenever I cross the river On its bridge with wooden piers, Like the odor of brine from the ocean Comes the thought of other years. And I think how many thousands Of care-encumbered men, Each bearing his burden of sorrow, Have crossed the bridge since then. I see the long procession Still passing to and fro, The young heart hot and restless, And the old subdued and slow! And forever and forever, As long as the river flows, As long as the heart has passions, As long as life has woes; The moon and its broken reflection And its shadows shall appear, As the symbol of love in heaven, And its wavering image here.