


“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”,“再加上深刻”。——亨利,《天使的征服者》诺曼男爵躺在他的房间里,身体虚弱,奄奄一息;外面的暴风雨轰鸣着,城堡的角楼摇晃着,在这场战斗中,死神是胜利者,不管他是臣民还是仆人,还有他的祖先掠夺的土地,都写在末日书里。他的床边坐着一个修道士,他用谦卑的声音从膝上的祷文中重复了许多次祈祷和祈祷;在暴风雨的呼啸声中,隐约传来了窃窃私语的钟声,那是从邻近的克洛斯特传来的圣诞钟声。在大厅里,农奴和封臣举行了婚礼,那天晚上他们的圣诞节开始了;吟游诗人和侍从们唱着许多古老而圣洁的颂歌;撒克逊人的合唱团大声地向奴隶们唱着自由人的歌曲,暴风雨在敲打城堡的大门,但声音却很微弱。直到最后,他们吟唱的颂歌到达了恐怖的房间,在那里,僧侣用神圣的语气,在男爵的耳边低语。泪水在他的眼皮上闪烁,当他停下来倾听时,垂死的男爵慢慢地转过头去倾听。 "Wassail for the kingly stranger Born and cradled in a manger! King, like David, priest, like Aaron, Christ is born to set us free!" And the lightning showed the sainted Figures on the casement painted, And exclaimed the shuddering baron, "Miserere, Domine!" In that hour of deep contrition He beheld, with clearer vision, Through all outward show and fashion, Justice, the Avenger, rise. All the pomp of earth had vanished, Falsehood and deceit were banished, Reason spake more loud than passion, And the truth wore no disguise. Every vassal of his banner, Every serf born to his manor, All those wronged and wretched creatures, By his hand were freed again. And, as on the sacred missal He recorded their dismissal, Death relaxed his iron features, And the monk replied, "Amen!" Many centuries have been numbered Since in death the baron slumbered By the convent's sculptured portal, Mingling with the common dust: But the good deed, through the ages Living in historic pages, Brighter grows and gleams immortal, Unconsumed by moth or rust