

Hilaire Belloc的照片
  • 时间1870 - 1953
  • 的地方La Celle-Saint-Cloud
  • 国家法国


贝洛克出生在法国的La Celle-Saint-Cloud(靠近凡尔赛宫,靠近巴黎),父亲是法国人,母亲是英国人,在英国长大。他童年的大部分时间是在西萨塞克斯郡的斯林登度过的,在后来的生活中,他经常对那里感到想家。这在诸如《西苏塞克斯饮酒歌》、《南方乡村》,甚至更为忧郁的《哈纳克山》等诗歌中都得到了证明。他的母亲伊丽莎白·雷纳·帕克斯(1829 - 1925)也是一位作家,是英国化学家约瑟夫·普里斯特利的曾孙女。1867年,她嫁给了律师路易斯·贝洛克,他是法国画家让-希莱尔·贝洛克的儿子。1872年,他们结婚五年后,路易斯去世了,但在此之前,他在股市崩盘中身无分文。这位年轻的寡妇随后带着她的儿子希莱尔和他的妹妹玛丽回到了英国,除了他年轻时自愿加入法国炮兵外,他一直呆在那里。在约翰·亨利·纽曼的演讲学校接受教育后,贝洛克于1891年以法国公民的身份在图尔附近的一个炮兵团服完兵役。他身强力壮,精力充沛,曾在英国和欧洲游历。贝洛克与未来的妻子埃洛蒂相识于1890年。在追求埃洛蒂的过程中,身无分文的贝洛克从美国中西部走了很长一段路,来到埃洛蒂位于加州北部的家。他靠给农舍和牧场的主人画素描和朗诵诗歌来支付住宿费。 After his military service, Belloc proceeded to Balliol College, Oxford, as a History scholar. He went on to obtain first class honours in History, and never lost his love for Balliol, as is illustrated by his verse, "Balliol made me, Balliol fed me/ Whatever I had she gave me again". Poetry His "cautionary tales", humorous poems with an implausible moral, beautifully illustrated by Basil Blackwood and later by Edward Gorey, are the most widely known of his writings. Supposedly for children, they, like Lewis Carroll's works, are more to adult and satirical tastes: Henry King, Who chewed bits of string and was early cut off in dreadful agonies. A similar poem tells the story of Rebecca, who slammed doors for fun and perished miserably. The tale of Matilda who told lies and was burnt to death was adapted into the play Matilda Liar! by Debbie Isitt. Quentin Blake, the illustrator, described Belloc as at one and the same time the overbearing adult and mischievous child. Roald Dahl is a follower. But Belloc has broader if sourer scope: It happened to Lord Lundy then as happens to so many men about the age of 26 they shoved him into politics ... leading up to we had intended you to be the next Prime Minister but three ... Of more weight are Belloc's Sonnets and Verses, a volume that deploys the same singing and rhyming techniques of his children's verses. Belloc's poetry is often religious, often romantic; throughout The Path to Rome he writes in spontaneous song.