Ho Xuan Huong

Here you will find thePoemViewing Cac-Co Cavernof poet Ho Xuan Huong

Viewing Cac-Co Cavern

Heaven and earth brought forth this rocky mass its face cut by a deep crevasse crack's dark mouth shagged with moss pines rocking in wind rush. Here sweet water spatters down and the path into the cleft is dark. Praise whoever sculpted stone then left it bare for all to see. Here is another translation of the same poem: Yin and Yang created this chunk of rock; A deep and dark crack split it into two blocks. Moss covered openings expose themselves with impudence Wind enhanced firs produce sound of rhythmic cadence. Drops of romantic water fall with splash Roads to nowhere lead in dark labyrinth. Praise to the scuptor inventing this distortion Indecent exposure invites lots of observation.