


西尔维娅的格子是黑色的,玫瑰把格子弄窄了。黎明时,星火闪烁,箭矢环绕,被带露的水花刺破,被花蕾和花朵振翅飞翔,所有人都毫不畏惧地直奔西尔维娅的怀抱。“西尔维娅!西尔维娅!西尔维娅!他像蜜蜂一样不停地哼唱,“醒醒吧,我的甜心;叫醒你,因为你的士兵来了!”西尔维娅睡在黎明,梦见丘比特的颤音是玫瑰在草坪上歌唱,向花冠百合花求爱。西尔维亚微笑着,西尔维亚睡着了;西尔维亚哭泣着,西尔维亚睡着了;丘比特对着她粉红的耳朵悄悄说着好听的数字。 Sylvia dreams that bugles play, Hears a martial drumming; Sylvia springs to meet the day With her Soldier coming. Happy Sylvia, on thee wait All the gracious graces! Venus mild her cestus plait Round thy lawns and laces! Flora fling a flower most fair, Hope a rainbow lend thee! All the nymphs to Cupid dear On this day befriend thee! 'Sylvia! Sylvia! Sylvia!' hear How he keeps a-humming, Laughing in her jewelled ear, 'Sweet, thy Soldier's coming!'