


啊,柔软的小云,朦胧而甜蜜的晨光点缀着它,像天鹅一样在它柔嫩的灰色上航行;你为什么要飞得那么高,从我黑暗而跳动的喉咙里飘出的银白色的哀歌的狂野的翅膀,永远也达不到你的耳朵,虽然每一个音符都恳求你把你的白色的翅膀向下弯曲,把清晨的微笑抛在脚下,轻轻飘过我囚笼的黑线?“啊,亲爱的小云儿,当蔚蓝的早晨响起,从别人的喉咙而不是我的喉咙里传出甜美的音符;如果那些欢快的歌者使高大而点头的树木高兴——如果摇曳的耧斗花的三角旗为它们起舞,如果水仙花和颤栗的紫罗兰为它们的歌声起舞——它们会像你一样,用不倦的翅膀追逐你吗?他们会在歌唱的音乐中用爱的悸动向你求爱吗?啊,不!美丽的云,啊,不!它们的心和翅膀将停留在报春花的黄芽和五月的柔红中;他们的歌声在玫瑰胸脯的芬芳中,激动而消亡。而我却要看你带着洁白、宽阔、孤独的羽翼,飞向天空。 'O fair, small cloud, unheeding o'er me straying, Jewell'd with topaz light of fading stars; Thy downy edges red As the great eagle of the Dawn sails high And sets his fire-bright head And wind-blown pinions towards thy snowy breast; And thou canst blush while I Must pierce myself with song and die On the bald sod behind my prison bars; Nor feel upon my crest Thy soft, sunn'd touches delicately playing! 'O fair, small cloud, grown small as lily flow'r! Even while I smite the bars to see thee fade; The wind shall bring thee The strain I sing thee-- I, in wired prison stay'd, Worse than the breathless primrose glade. That in my morn, I shrilly sang to scorn; I'll burst my heart up to thee in this hour! 'O fair, small cloud, float nearer yet and hear me! A prison'd lark once lov'd a snowy cloud, Nor did the Day With sapphire lips, and kiss Of summery bliss, Draw all her soul away; Vainly the fervent East Deck'd her with roses for their bridal feast; She would not rest In his red arms, but slipp'd adown the air And wan and fair, Her light foot touch'd a purple mountain crest, And touching, turn'd Into swift rain, that like to jewels burn'd; In the great, wondering azure of the sky; And while a rainbow spread Its mighty arms above, she, singing, fled To the lone-feather'd slave, In his sad weird grave, Whose heart upon his silver song had sped To her in days of old, In dawns of gold, And murmuring to him, said: 'O love, I come! O love, I come to cheer thee-- Love, to be near thee!''