


“跟我来吧,”风对码头里的船说,“难道你害怕海中暗礁的冲击,当暴风雨把你打得晕头转向时;低低的墨云,在你的裹尸布里黑沉沉地纠缠;每一根绷紧的绳子,都找到一个声音,尖声喊出一个字,那厄运的字,从每一个分叉的波浪的舌头中,雷鸣般地升起,对着一个深埋在海底的坟墓哀叹,在那里,被它杀死的死者,躺在神秘的怪异的卷须的严密拥抱中;但是大海强烈的悔恨的痛苦,把杀人的故事从它的胸中逼了出来,在暴风雨的铿锵声中,在它的咆哮中,在它的威胁和哀号中,就像地狱的声音,然而,它说的只是“死亡”。“跟我来,”风唱道,“爱,你为什么这么无情?你太美了,航船,去吻那冰冷凄凉的海岸的黏糊糊的嘴唇;请你注意,那铁链的巨大的生锈的链环是多么的寒冷和黑暗,它象痛苦一样嘶哑地发出刺耳的声音,它拴住你,保护你不受风浪的侵袭。啊!你用力拉,你的帆由于长时间紧紧地缠绕在你的桅杆上而变得暗淡无光,但你跟我一起出来吧,我要尽情地、自由地吻它们,吻它们,吻它们,直到它们白得像北极的星星,或像海湾里盐白色的羽翼!“跟我来吧,”风唱道,“啊,我心爱的船,去发现大海是多么的金黄碧蓝。”我的声音多么甜美;我将多么忠实地履行我对你的结婚诺言。 O mine to guide thy sails By the kisses of my mouth; Soft as blow the gales, On the roses in the south. O mine to guide thee far From ruddy coral bar, From horizon to horizon thou shalt glimmer like a star; Thou shalt lean upon my breast, And I shall rest, And murmur in thy sails, Such fond tales, That thy finest cords Will, syren-like, chant back my mellow words With such renew'd enchantment unto me That I shall be, By my own singing, closer bound to thee!' 'Come with me,' sang the Wind, 'Thou knowest, love, my mind, No more I'll try to woo thee, Persuade thee or pursue thee, For thou art mine; Since first thy mast, a tall and stately pine Beneath Norwegian skies, Sang to my sighs. Thou, thou wert built for me, Strong lily of the sea! Thou cans't not choose, The calling of my low voice to refuse; And if Death Were the sole, sad, wailing burthen of my breath, Thy timbers at my call, Would shudder in their thrall, Thy sails outburst to touch my stormy lip; Like a giant quick in a grave, Thy anchor heave, And close upon my thunder-pulsing breast, O ship, Thou would'st tremble, nor repine, That being mine, Thy spars, Like long pale lights of falling stars, Plunged in the Stygian blackness of the sea, And to billowy ruin cast Thy tall and taper mast, Rushed shrieking headlong down to an abyss. O ship! O love! if Death Were such sure portion, thou could'st not refuse But thou would'st choose As mine to die, and call such choosing bliss; For thou for me Wert plann'd from all eternity!'