


麦考尔先生在克利夫兰庄园,星期日晚上——日期待定——六六年四月十五日,一个心烦意乱的人报告并修改了讲话。谁讲课?不是单纯的嘲笑者;他头脑清醒,内心温暖。她坐在最近的角落里,我说不出是什么形式。“今天的意见冲突,”主席说。在英国的领土上,有什么人会质疑她的公正呢?拜金是可怕的,财阀统治是基础。漂亮的小额头上的黑发;我抓住的只是静止的一面脸。 IV We wallow in mere dimension, The Big to us is Great. If she stood at her utmost tension She might pass four feet eight. V We lay on colour in splashes, With a mop, or a broom for brush. How dark are her long eyelashes! How pure is her cheek's slight flush! VI But we have no perception For form-the divinest-now. Each curve there is perfection, In nostril, chin, and brow. VI Our women are good kind creatures, But they cannot dress at all. Does her bonnet grace her features? Clear blue with a black lace fall. VIII Low Church-very low-in the gutter; High Church-as ven'son high. O'er the flower of her face gleams the flutter Of a smile like a butterfly. IX Herder, Wieland, Lessing; Bossuet, Montalembert. Fine names, but the name worth guessing Is the name of the sweet girl there. The individual; true man; Individuality. A man's but one half, some woman The other half must be. XI Persistent valour the sternest, With love's most gentle grace. How grand is the eye fixed earnest In the half-seen up-turned face! XII 'How did you like the lecture? Was it not beautiful?' I should think she was! 'I conjecture That your brains have been gathering wool!' P. S. The Chairman was a rare man; At every telling point He smiled at his post like a jolly host Carving rich cuts from the joint; Which the name he bore was Richard Moore Whom Heaven with grace anoint! That conflict of opinion It had its counterpart In conflict for dominion Between my head and heart.