


我整天被忙碌的人群弄得疲惫不堪,那不耐烦的人群在愚蠢的祭坛上燃烧着火焰,我的懒散的精力很快就消失了,直到和煦的睡眠来修复我的身体。仁慈的复兴者万岁!它能安抚忧虑,使每一个疲惫的感觉都得到休息,减轻痛苦所承受的沉重负担,用希望温暖寒冷沮丧的胸膛。被你的权杖触碰,从权能威严的额头上垂下快乐的羽毛;他觉得自己是个卑微的小丑;悲哀之子躺在冰冷的大地上,喝着欢乐的水,戴着一顶花哨的王冠。在你的指引下,在无边的羽翼上,幻想着仙景,欢腾着漫游;现在爬上悬崖,在清晨闪闪发光;或掠过大海,听着风暴的声音,看着悠长的海浪滚向远方;或与万种闪亮的形体混在一起,漂浮在大风中,沐浴在最纯净的日子里。也许不久之后,我就会被呼啸的狂风刺穿,穿过黑暗无路的沙漠漫游,跳进深不可及的深渊,或者吓得畏缩不前,在那里,尖叫的幽灵从坟墓里窜出来:也许奢侈的迷人微笑会引诱我的脚步到某个浪漫的山谷,在那里,欢乐的光芒扰乱了被遗忘的时光,狂喜的气息在大风中歌唱。 Instructive emblem of this mortal state! Where scenes as various every hour arise In swift succession, which the hand of Fate Presents, then snatches from our wondering eyes. Be taught, vain man, how fleeting all thy joys, Thy boasted grandeur, and thy glittering store; Death comes, and all thy fancy'd bliss destroys, Quick as a dream it fades, and is no more. And, sons of Sorrow! though the threatening storm Of angry Fortune overhang a while, Let not her frowns your inward peace deform; Soon happier days in happier climes shall smile. Through earth's throng'd visions while we toss forlorn, 'Tis tumult all, and rage, and restless strife; But these shall vanish like the dreams of morn, When Death awakes us to immortal life.