


有一颗天体嘲弄着圣贤的爱,长久以来,它神秘莫测,变幻莫测;环绕星河时代的坚定的法律,给了最高命令的可疑标志。但是,那些知道上帝的道路是不变的人,断定了某种看不见的深远影响——某种亲缘的领域,穿越了无形的穹苍,其强有力的说服力跨越了其间的虚空。由于另一颗星的扰动和模糊的不安,他们独自知道了它,直到揭示的那一天,他们把它命名为“黑暗的伴侣”——暗暗地猜测着远方。但是,随着应用的不断完善,信仰终于在无可争议的视野中融合了,神秘的动力在科学面前显露出来,不是黑暗的伙伴,而是——一点光。没有黑暗的伙伴,只有光辉的太阳;不是令人不快的搅局者,而是令人愉快的竞争者;为故事锦上添花的闪亮补充;把意思说得很清楚的黄金链接。哦,黑暗的同伴,旅行美国,哦,严重扰乱我们的工作和方法——哦,强大的恐惧,看不见的,然而近我们,令人不安的——哦,我们所有的天暗的同伴,死亡,其宽拥抱O 'ertake偏远地方的变化和天空,哦,黑暗的同伴,死亡、严重的企业分散而分裂的碎片的痕迹,你也在这个明智的,时候,开启我们的眼睛,清晰的一天应当改变我们的信仰,要展示自己, in that supreme revealing, No Dark Companion, but a thing of light. No ruthless wrecker of harmonious order; No alien heart of discord and caprice; A beckoning light upon the Blissful Border; A kindred element of law and peace. So, too, our strange unrest in this our dwelling, The trembling that thou joinest with our mirth, Are but thy magnet-communings compelling Our spirits farther from the scope of earth. So, doubtless, when beneath thy potence swerving, 'Tis that thou lead'st us by a path unknown, Our seeming deviations all subserving The perfect orbit round the central throne. The night wind moans. The Austral wilds are round me. The loved who live -- ah, God! how few they are! I looked above; and heaven in mercy found me This parable of comfort in a star.