


1.在一艘莱茵河轮船上。西部共和国,开明,自由,崇高,毫无疑问是我们这个时代最好的作品。电话是你的,普尔曼汽车是你的,会议是你的,神圣的强烈的电星。埃德加·爱伦·坡和亨利·詹姆斯先生这两位德高望重的人物也同样要感谢您。简而言之,多亏了你,你这颗西方的星星,我们才有了今天的模样。但不可否认的是,你时不时地培养出一群人,他们不高贵,不礼貌,不文雅,不仁慈,不聪明,不具有过人的才智,不以机智著称,不讨我喜欢,也不具备人类应有的品质。2.在巴黎的大道上。不列颠尼亚统治着波涛,我听她说过; She frees whatever slaves She meets upon her way. A teeming mother she Of Parliaments and Laws; Majestic, mighty, free: Devoid of common flaws. For here did Shakspere write His admirable plays: For her did Nelson fight And Wolseley win his bays. Her sturdy common sense Is based on solid grounds: By saving numerous pence She spends effective pounds. The Saxon and the Celt She equitably rules; Her iron rod is felt By countless knaves and fools. In fact, mankind at large, Black, yellow, white and red, Is given to her in charge, And owns her as a head. But every here and there-- Deny it if you can-- She breeds a vacant stare Unworthy of a man: A look of dull surprise; A nerveless idle hand: An eye which never tries To threaten or command: In short, a kind of man, If man indeed he be, As worthy of our ban As any that we see: Unspeakably obtuse, Abominably vain, Of very little use, And execrably plain.