


在一堆被遗忘的书的荒野冰碛上,在逝去岁月的冰川上,当我为了秩序而拍打耙子时,有一本引起了我的注意:我坐在书架旁,直到迷失了自己。漫步在拥挤的薄雾中,听到失落的声音,看到失落的模样,我仔细阅读着一份古老的学校名单。多乱的一堆名字啊!有几个我认识,就像认识兄弟一样;今天走了,我不知道到哪里去了,不,我也不在乎,因为他们的地方都满了;而且,他们——他们去过什么地方,他们变了多少!时间、地点和追求有助于改变他们:待在原地,再见!你们都在老派名单里。有些人在学校里什么也没做,那是很久以前的事;有些人在学校里做了很多事,那是很久以前的事;他们是中年人,从那时起就秃顶了;有些人旅行过,有些人战斗过;有些人写作过,有些人被奇怪的新信仰咬伤了;不要再追踪他们了:经纪人或牧师或王子,他们都在老派名单上。在国王的长凳路上有一位脸色阴沉的律师,他的客户寥寥无几,他很少说话,在那些孤独的日子里,他究竟能找到什么事做呢?嗯,他抚摸着那八个——多么美妙的命运啊!——纽卡斯尔几乎没有错过:“未来的大法官!”所以我们会在旧学校名单的日子里谈论。 There were several duffers and several bores, Whose faces I've half forgot, Whom I lived among, when the world was young, And who talked "no end of rot": Are they now little clerks who stroll in the Parks Or scribble with grimy fist, Or rich little peers who hire Scotch moors? Well -- they're all in the old School List. There were some who were certain to prosper and thrive, And certain to do no more, Who were "capital chaps," and, tho' moderate saps, Would never stay in after four: Now day after day they are packed away, After being connubially kissed, To work in the city from ten to five: There they are in the old School List. There were two good fellows I used to know. --How distant it all appears! We played together in football weather, And messed together for years: Now one of them's wed, and the other's dead So long that he's hardly missed Save by us, who messed with him years ago: But we're all in the old School List.