James Lister Cuthbertson

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"阿波罗之神,神之神,神之神"充满多里安之火的金竖琴之主,哦!莱托的金发孩子,回来吧;如果德尔斐或德洛斯岛不再微笑,从你的幽谷深处来吧,在那漆黑的峡谷里,碧绿的水在打雷,翻腾,远离凡人的视线;到波光粼粼的海水上来吧,带着你那神圣的列车——那声音甜美、不朽的紫罗兰冠九神。因为这里有比希腊这片光荣的土地更富饶的土地,更骏马;黄色的玉米在这里摇曳,橄榄树在这里发芽——它是和平的绿色使者;一棵结着金色果实的树也在这里扎下了根,一串串紫色的藤蔓挂在枝头,整个大地都沐浴着清新干燥的空气,这空气使灵魂获得自由,使心灵摆脱忧虑。或者,如果你的野性倾向于孤独,永恒的青翠环绕着寂寞的山丘,夕阳穿过蕨类植物的绿色阴影轻轻地燃烧,冰冷的山涧从花岗岩流下;还有由沉睡的松林筑成的内在神龛,在那里,沉思的心充盈着,从波涛汹涌的海岸,深沉的惆怅的音乐倾泻而下,淹没了狂风肆虐的森林走廊。 Oh, give the gift of gold The human heart to hold With liquid glamour of the Lesbian line; With Pindar's lava glow, With Sophocles'calm flow, Or Aeschylean rapture airy fine; Or with thy music's close Thy last autumnal rose Theocritus of Sicily, divine; O Pythian Archer strong, Time cannot do thee wrong, With thee they live for ever, thy nightingales of song. We too are island-born; Oh, leave us not in scorn -- A songless people never yet was great. We, suppliants at thy feet, Await thy muses sweet Amid the laurels at thy temple gate, Crownless and voiceless yet, But on our brows is set The dim unwritten prophecy of fate, To mould from out of mud An empire with our blood, To wage eternal warfare with the fire and flood. Lord of the minstrel choir, Oh, grant our hearts'desire, To sing of truth invincible in might, Of love surpassing death That fears no fiery breath, Of ancient inborn reverence for right, Of that sea-woven spell That from Trafalgar fell And keeps the star of duty in our sight: Oh, give the sacred fire, And our weak lips inspire With laurels of thy song and lightnings of thy lyre.