


当英国首先在上天的指挥下,从蔚蓝的大海中崛起;这是这片土地的宪章,守护天使唱道:“统治吧,不列颠尼亚,统治海浪;英国人永远不会成为奴隶。”那些不像你这样幸福的国家,也将依次落入暴君的手中,而你却将繁荣昌盛,成为他们所有人的恐惧和嫉妒。“统治吧,不列颠尼亚,统治波涛吧;英国人永远不会成为奴隶。”每一次外来的打击,你都将更加威武,更加可怕:就像撕裂天空的狂风,只会把你本土的橡树连根拔起。“统治吧,不列颠尼亚,统治波涛吧;英国人永远不会成为奴隶。”你这傲慢的暴君永远不能驯服你:他们所有想要使你屈服的企图,只会激起你慷慨的火焰; But work their woe, and thy renown. "Rule, Britannia, rule the waves; Britons never will be slaves." To thee belongs the rural reign; Thy cities shall with commerce shine: All thine shall be the subject main, And every shore it circles thine. "Rule, Britannia, rule the waves; Britons never will be slaves." The Muses, still with freedom found, Shall to thy happy coast repair: Blest isle! with matchless beauty crown'd, And manly hearts to guard the fair. "Rule, Britannia, rule the waves; Britons never will be slaves."