


“哦,看那只又大又丑的蜘蛛!”她尖叫着,用扇子把它拂去;“这是一个可怕的黑东西,我真希望它不要爬到我身上来。“真的,”她母亲说,“我敢说,这个可怜的东西会尽量不妨碍你的;因为在经历了惊吓、跌倒和痛苦之后,它比你有更多的理由抱怨。“但是你为什么要害怕这只可怜的昆虫呢,亲爱的?”如果它伤害了你,你就有理由害怕;但是它的小黑腿,当它匆匆离去的时候,我敢说,只会挠你的胳膊。“为了让他们畏惧我们,我们必须承认我们是公正的,我们可以在一瞬间把他们踩成尘土;当然,我们没有理由惊慌; For, were they to try, they could do us no harm. "Now look! it has got to its home; do you see What a delicate web it has spun in the tree? Why here, my dear Ann, is a lesson for you: Come learn from this spider what patience can do! "And when at your business you're tempted to play, Recollect what you see in this insect to-day, Or else, to your shame, it may seem to be true, That a poor little spider is wiser than you. "