


在巴德之战后,在苍穹之下。穆罕默德(说话)。愿敌人为他的死人哀痛,永不归回光明;不要为我们的兄弟流泪,因为他们住在你们明亮的天空之上。所有的七颗行星都敞开了,把它们所有的金属门都震开了,我们在下面所爱的人的身影勇敢地叩响了伊甸园的大门。在那里,他们带着从未梦想过的幸福,看到了我第一次逃亡时所看到的荣耀,那是我的骏马在一秒钟内骑过了天上的天地。智慧的树,以柏树的顺序生长,高高挂着甜甜的金苹果;生命之树,它们伸展的影子投下,遮蔽每一朵开花的植物,每一个流动的座位。现在,一阵和煦的西风从东方吹来,把天上的少女带到你的面前;你现在用眼睛品尝盛宴,很快这景象就渗透到你的全身。 There they stand, to ask thee thy career: Mighty plans? or dangerous bloody rout? Thou'rt a hero, know they,--for Thourt here, What a hero?--This they'll fathom out. By thy wounds soon clearly this is shown, Wounds that write thy fame's undying story; Wounds the true believer mark alone, When have perish'd joy and earthly glory. To chiosks and arbors thou art brought, Fill'd with checkered marble columns bright; To the noble grape-juice, solace-fraught, They the guest with kindly sips invite. Youth! Thou'rt welcome more than e'er was youth All alike are radiant and serene; When thou tak'st one to thine heart with truth, Of thy band she'll be the friend and queen. So prepare thee for this place of rest, Never can it now be changed again; Maids like these will ever make thee blest, Wines like these will never harm thy brain.