


在我们热切期盼的春雨过后,亲爱的妻子,你看,我们的平原上满是甜蜜的祝福!我们把遥远的目光投向朦胧的蓝色;温柔的爱仍在这里游荡,真实的狂喜仍在这里居住。你看见你那对白鸽飞到哪里去了,在那里,盛开的紫罗兰在阳光灿烂的枝叶周围飞舞。在那里,我们漫步时采集了第一束花束;我们所证明的激情,首先在那里燃烧起来。然而,当牧师满怀信心地看着我们俩,带着许多年轻的一对,从圣坛上走回家时,别的月亮诞生了,许多美丽的太阳诞生了,我们得到了大地,生命的赛跑就在大地上奔跑。十万倍,牢不可破的契约已被封缄;在树林里,在寒冷的山上,在灌木丛里,在田野里,在墙壁里,在洞穴里,在崎岖的高处,爱,在波涛之上,在他的管子里射出光。我们心满意足,以为彼此是一对; 'Twas otherwise ordain'd, For, lo! a third was there; A fourth, fifth, sixth appear'd, And sat around our board; And now the plants we've rear'd High o'er our heads have soar'd! How fair and pleasant looks, On yonder beauteous spot, Embraced by poplar-brooks, The newly-finish'd cot! Who is it there that sits In that glad home above? Is't not our darling Fritz With his own darling love? Beside yon precipice, Whence pent-up waters steal, And leaving the abyss, Fall foaming through the wheel, Though people often tell Of millers' wives so fair, Yet none can e'er excel Our dearest daughter there! Yet where the thick-set green Stands round yon church and sad, Where the old fir-tree's seen Alone tow'rd heaven to nod,-- 'Tis there the ashes lie Of our untimely dead; From earth our gaze on high By their blest memory's led. See how yon hill is bright With billowy-waving arms! The force returns, whose might Has vanquished war's alarms. Who proudly hastens here With wreath-encircled brow? 'Tis like our child so dear Thus Charles comes homeward now. That dearest honour'd guest Is welcom'd by the bride; She makes the true one blest, At the glad festal tide. And ev'ry one makes haste To join the dance with glee; While thou with wreaths hast graced The youngest children three. To sound of flute and horn The time appears renew'd, When we, in love's young morn, In the glad dance upstood; And perfect bliss I know Ere the year's course is run, For to the font we go With grandson and with son!