


-- --歌唱,天上的缪斯,在散文或诗歌中尚未尝试的事情,先令,马裤和奇美拉的可怕。一个无忧无虑的人是幸福的,他在丝质或皮制的钱包里保留着一先令,他听到新生蚝的叫唤,也不为喝啤酒而叹息;但他和朋友们,一到夜间薄雾升起的时候,就到杜松树店、喜鹊店或市政厅修理店去。在那里,他想起了那位仙女,她那放纵的眼睛刺穿了他的灵魂,点燃了爱情的火焰,克洛伊或菲利斯;每一个旋转的玻璃都祝愿她健康、快乐和平等的爱情。与此同时,他一边抽烟,一边嘲笑滑稽的故事,或者是暧昧的双关语,或者是古怪的谜语。而我,穷困潦倒,饥肠辘辘,饥肠辘辘,吃的东西少得可怜,吃的东西也少得可怜。于是,我就独自在家里的阁楼里散步,或者打个盹儿,吸一口暖乎乎的烟,让手指发冷。或是从像冬天烟囱一样黑的管子里出来,或是从擦得很亮的喷气机里出来,呼出蒙顿格斯,散发着难闻的气味;坎布洛-不列颠(《家世》中记载,出自浪漫传说中著名的国王卡德瓦德和亚瑟),当他驮着一箱著名的塞斯特良干酪,在高高的阴影下,越过许多崎岖的小山和贫瘠的悬崖,打算出售他的货物,或者在阿尔沃尼集市,或者在马里杜努姆,或者在古老的布莱希尼亚小镇,或者在瓦加河环绕着阿利康尼亚的地方,肥沃的土壤,流淌着甘甜的美酒,也许会与马西克、塞廷或著名的法伦相遇。就这样,当我那无趣的时光单调乏味地流逝着,带着矜持、沉默的步伐,变成了一个可怕的怪物! hated by Gods and Men, To my aerial Citadel ascends; With Vocal Heel thrice thund'ring at my Gates, With hideous Accent thrice he calls; I know The Voice ill-boding, and the solemn Sound. What shou'd I do? or whither turn? amaz'd, Confounded, to the dark Recess I fly Of Woodhole; strait my bristling Hairs erect Thrô sudden Fear; a chilly Sweat bedews My shud'ring Limbs, and (wonderful to tell!) My Tongue forgets her Faculty of Speech; So horrible he seems! his faded Brow Entrench'd with many a Frown, and Conic Beard, And spreading Band, admir'd by Modern Saints, Disastrous Acts forebode; in his Right Hand Long Scrolls of Paper solemnly he waves, With Characters, and Figures dire inscrib'd Grievous to mortal Eyes; (ye Gods avert Such Plagues from righteous Men!) behind him stalks Another Monster, not unlike himself, Sullen of Aspect, by the Vulgar call'd A Catchpole, whose polluted Hands the Gods With Force incredible, and Magick Charms Erst have indu'd, if he his ample Palm Should haply on ill-fated Shoulder lay Of Debtor, strait his Body, to the Touch Obsequious, (as whilom Knights were wont) To some enchanted Castle is convey'd, Where Gates impregnable, and coercive Chains In Durance strict detain him, 'till in form Of Mony, Pallas sets the Captive free. Beware, ye Debtors, when ye walk beware, Be circumspect; oft with insidious Ken This Caitif eyes your Steps aloof, and oft Lies perdue in a Nook or gloomy Cave, Prompt to enchant some inadvertent wretch With his unhallow'd Touch. So (Poets sing) Grimalkin to Domestick Vermin sworn An everlasting Foe, with watchful Eye, Lyes nightly brooding o'er a chinky gap, Protending her fell Claws, to thoughtless Mice Sure Ruin. So her disembowell'd Web Arachne in a Hall, or Kitchin spreads, Obvious to vagrant Flies: She secret stands Within her woven Cell; the Humming Prey, Regardless of their Fate, rush on the toils Inextricable, nor will aught avail Their Arts, nor Arms, nor Shapes of lovely Hue; The Wasp insidious, and the buzzing Drone, And Butterfly proud of expanded wings Distinct with Gold, entangled in her Snares, Useless Resistance make: With eager strides, She tow'ring flies to her expected Spoils; Then with envenom'd Jaws the vital Blood Drinks of reluctant Foes, and to her Cave Their bulky Carcasses triumphant drags. So pass my Days. But when Nocturnal Shades This World invelop, and th'inclement Air Persuades Men to repel benumming Frosts, With pleasant Wines, and crackling blaze of Wood; Me Lonely sitting, nor the glimmering Light Of Make-weight Candle, nor the joyous Talk Of loving Friend delights; distress'd, forlorn, Amidst the horrors of the tedious Night, Darkling I sigh, and feed with dismal Thoughts My anxious Mind; or sometimes mournful Verse Indite, and sing of Groves and Myrtle Shades, Or desperate Lady near a purling Stream, Or Lover pendent on a Willow-Tree: Mean while I Labour with eterna