


[在诺森伯兰郡的罗伯特国王]诗人托马斯·弗拉·瓦尔戴尔(Thomas Fra wardill)这样写道:“国王聚集了他所有的力量,留下了值得纪念的名字,这比聚集他付出的代价更大,把他的代价分成三部分。”一部分到诺兰去了,但在那堤岸上有一个坚固的堡垒,把他们安置在那里,10另一部分到安威克去了,有一个堡垒把他们安置在那里,在他们的城堡里,我说,不要逃避战争的少女,不要逃避战争的金钱,不要逃避战争的骑士,不要逃避战争。国王在卡斯特利的土地上离开了他的子民,就像我在这里一样,和第三支军队一起坚守着他的道路,从一个公园到另一个公园,在他所有的战争中,直到那场战争与他在诺森默兰附近的土地上,在苏格兰的战争土地上,25在他的财富和遗产上,他为自己的生命付出了代价。(和平与英国)在这个桥梁突袭他destroyand Quhill的国王Ingland Throu consaill Mortymar 30和他的莫德,tym战争Ledaris的他,比年轻的国王罗伯特·韦斯pes发送messyngeris添头,这样sua加速泰国,泰国assentyt于35比perpetuale pes达克,和泰国mariage suld mak的国王roberti宋戴维,要是不能比机器人fyve伤疤和夫人Jhone als的旅游40后来韦斯的勇猛,gret学校是英王的学校,他统治着英格兰,他的孩子有七年的时间。那时候,英格兰的那个人又有了一个苏格兰的女仆,直到那个女仆把他的船帆挂了起来,而他的所有的债权,直到苏格兰的船帆才被收回,而罗伯特国王用他那坚定的手,把这个仆人从英格兰带走了,整整两万英镑,可以把银子兑换成好钱。当男人放弃了他们的东西,和塞利斯和这个女仆一起庆祝友谊和从未有过的爱情,这段婚姻就这样结束了,在伯威克,在他定下这一切的那天,他像男人一样回到了他的祖国。就这样,女仆韦斯特在她的身边走了一圈,于是战争爆发了。[王的儿子大卫的婚事]罗勃脱王愿意付银钱,在他的儿子大卫·苏尔德和厄勒·托马斯结婚的那天,他又得到了一份俸禄,因为他的儿子道格拉斯的善良的领主,在他的儿子道格拉斯的俸禄之前,他策划了这场婚礼,因为他恶意地说,他不可能是那样的。他的恶意使贝氏感到不快,因为他在他的伟大的首领中,通过他那冷静的谎言,使贝氏陷入了深深的困惑。 At Cardros all that tyme he lay, 80 And quhen ner cummyn wes the day That ordanyt for the weddyn was The erle and the lord of Douglas Come to Berwik with mekill far And brocht young Davy with thaim thar, 85 And the queyn and the Mortymer On other part cummyn wer With gret affer and reawte, The young lady of gret bewte Thidder thai brocht with rich affer. 90 The weddyn haf thai makyt thar With gret fest and solempnyte, Thar mycht men myrth and glaidschip se For rycht gret fest thai maid thar And Inglismen and Scottis war 95 Togidder in joy and solace, Na fellouné betwix thaim was. The fest a wele lang tym held thai, And quhen thai buskyt to far away The queyn has left hyr douchter thar 100 With gret riches and reale far, I trow that lang quhile na lady Wes gevyn till hous sa richely, And the erle and the lord Douglas Hyr in daynte ressavyt has 105 As it war worthi sekyrly For scho wes syne the best lady And the fayrest that men thurft se. Eftre this gret solemnyte Quhen of bath half levys war tane 110 The queyn till Ingland hame is gane And had with hyr Mortymar. The erle and thai that levyt war Quhen thai a quhill hyr convoyit had Towart Berwik again thai raid, 115 And syne with all thar cumpany Towart the king thai went in hy, And had with thaim the young Davy And Dame Jhone als that young lady. [Coronation of David, settlement of the succession] The king maid thaim fair welcumyng 120 And efter but langer delaying He has gert set a parleament And thidder witth mony men is went, For he thocht he wald in his lyff Croun his young sone and his wyff 125 And at that parleament sua did he. With gret fayr and solemnyte The King Davy wes crownyt thar, And all the lordis that thar war 127 And als off the comynyte 128 130 Maid him manredyn and fewte. 129 And forouth th